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Historique de l'Orchestre d'Amsterdam

L'Orchestre d'Amsterdam (“The Orchestra” in Holland) is a young orchestra with a dynamic base in Amsterdam, aux Pays-Bas. Fondé en 1984 par des membres de différents orchestresuniversiteits, l'orchestre compte aujourd'hui environ 70 musicians. L'Orchestre d'Amsterdam proposes a large répertoire, the Schubert à Chostakovitch accompagné for the young soloists célèbres. The modern compositions are made according to their honour, including Rautvaara, as well as the Dutch compositions. The orchestra's occasional orchestra is designed to propose the chamber music concerts and the association of the chorales for the Requiem de Verdi or the Mahler Symphonie No.2.

L'Orchestre d'Amsterdam is one of the amateur orchestras of the Pays-Bas.

The orchestra's production regulation in Amsterdam is the basis for the concert halls of the Royal Concert Hall (Royal Concert Hall) and the modern Music Building on the IJ. Il organise des tournées à l'étranger en République Tchèque (1994 et 2007), en France (1999), en Italie (2003). A tour and Chinese organization in Shanghai in 2008 (7 concerts) by invitation to the Chinois government.

Le chef d'orchestre Russe Alexander Vakoulsky was the chef d'orchestre permanent from 1987 to 2009. Gustavo Gimeno (avant percussionist of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra) was the chef d'orchestre from 2011 to 2013. Après avoir reçu diverse chefs d'orchestres intérims, The orchestra is very content and proud with its new chef, selected for print emps 2014: Jacob Slagter, his aura for the development of the orchestra at a new level of performance musical.

Before choosing your career as a chef d'orchestre, Jacob Slagter was on your 25th year as the principal cornist of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra. Il a joué avec les plus grands chefs d'orchestre du monde comme Pierre Boulez, Jean Fournet, Leonard Bernstein, George Solti, Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Bernard Haitink and Riccardo Chailly. Durant during this period, Jacob Slagter continued to have great success, having a great musical experience and conducting the plus and plus. Jacob Slagter receives a receipt for the Prix de la Musique Néerlandaise, the prize for the plus prestige for musicians in Pays-Bas.

Tournée en France – July 2014

The Orchestra of Amsterdam organized a tour in France from 6 to 11 July 2014 in the Moulins/Vichy region. The orchestra is composed of 70 musicians who attended a Saint Prix près de Lapalisse.

The orchestra organized 3 concerts during this period and during the lifetime of the works:

  • Otto Nicolai - Overture Les Joyeuses Commères de Windsor

  • Aram Khatchatourian - Masquerade Suite

  • Antonín Dvořák - Symphonie no 9 (“du Nouveau Monde”)

List of principal representations of the orchestra:

  • 2014 Requiem, Verdi. Alexander Nevsky, Prokoviev (Music Building on the IJ, Amsterdam)

  • 2013 Un américain a Paris, G. Gershwin (Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam).

  • 2007 Inauguration of the new hall of the concert Muziekgebouw aan het IJ, Amsterdam

  • 2006 Symphony No.5, Mahler (Royal Concert Hall, Amsterdam)

  • 2006 Concert pour violon, Paganini (Razvan Stoica, soloist)

  • 2005 Première global d'une interpretation of the Symphonie en ré de Schubert

  • 2004 Requiem de Verdi (Royal Concert Hall, Amsterdam)

  • 2003 Symphony No. 10, Chostakovich (Tournée and Tuscany, Italy)

  • 2002 Symphony No.2, Mahler (Royal Concert Hall, Amsterdam)

  • 2000 Romance pour violon, A. Dvořák (Theodora Geraets), Concert pour 2 violons, Martinu (Geraets, Hülsmann) (Royal Concert Hall, Amsterdam)

The list of detailed references for the detailed information on the website of the Orchestra of Amsterdam: .

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